Corona Virus COVID-19 response


The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has announced that COVID-19 dental service restrictions are being eased to level 2 restrictions from 27 April.

This means that some simple elective procedures are now permitted, such as orthodontics, dentures and certain types of preventative care.



Team @GlenHuntly Dental Clinic is here to address any concerns you may have about attending forthcoming appointments.

Our greatest priority is the health & safety of you, our valued patients, and all our team members.


Despite the many logistic challenges currently facing the Dental industry, we can reassure you practices are fully equipped with Personal Protective Equipment including masks and gloves. All dental treatments are being completed in the usual safe manner, complying with Australian Dental Association (ADA) standards.


We have also introduced the following additional measures:

  • We are prohibiting anyone feeling unwell or think they may have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus or who have travelled overseas in the last 14 days into our practice. Instead, we encourage them to call our front desk team to discuss rescheduling options
  • We have implemented a NO Touch Policy limiting personal contact
  • Post Op Consults are offered via FaceTime / WhatsApp on request
  • Outside the surgical room, in the waiting room and other areas, we have implemented very stringent procedures, including, but not limited to, the careful and regular use of disinfectant wipes on all surfaces in all public areas including the reception desk. Hand sanitiser is readily available to all patients and staff throughout the practice
  • Waiting room set up to maintain 1.5m of safe distance between patients (social distancing)
  • Dental staff is as per usual wearing surgical masks


We are following the latest VIC Healthcare Guidance on reducing transmission risks and this will be assessed daily. We will keep you informed as to any developments regarding this situation.


If you have any questions or concerns, we invite you to contact us at any time online and phone 03 9571 4500.

We will be happy to provide you with any further information that you require.

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