The Child Dental Benefits Schedule, or CDBS, is an Australian Government initiative that will provide approximately $2.7 billion in Commonwealth funded benefits for general dental service for children aged 2-17 years of age. What Treatments are included under the CDBS? The government has provided itemised codes for treatments that are covered by the CDBS. These
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Bad breath aka Halitosis in adults is a common condition. It may have oral or non-oral sources of origin and have more than just social consequences. Halitosis reflects serious local or systemic conditions, including gingivitis, periodontal disease, diabetic acidosis, hepatic failure, or respiratory infection. Worse yet, a person with bad breath is normally unaware that
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In a recent online survey conducted by Dear Doctor, leading source for trustworthy information about dentistry and oral health, 77% of those polled planned on visiting their dentist prior to their wedding. For some, this includes a thorough cleaning to remove stains for others refresh smile and eliminate bad breath. However, a growing number of
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Did you know that your oral health offers insight into your overall health? There is a very strong connection that exists between general medicine and dentistry. In order to properly treat patients, all dentists should recognize this link and understand how to treat patients who suffer from various conditions. Here at GlenHuntly Dental Clinic, we
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Are you tired of hiding your teeth every time you smile? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a big, bright, and beautiful smile? Teeth Whitening will safely lighten the color of your teeth, reduce discoloration and staining, to give you a sparkling white smile, boosting your self-confidence and improving your appearance. Many factors, including
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Implants are a fantastic alternative for patients who are missing individual teeth or wearing dentures. Because implants are so much like natural teeth, most people are unable to detect that they even exist. You are able to talk, laugh, eat and chew with confidence. Generally made from titanium, dental implants are surgically inserted into the
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Christmas is almost here! And with it, comes the excess. There’s something you should never forget, not even in Christmas: your oral health habits. With all your family lunches and the company dinners, it’s easy to ignore your oral health. To ensure your teeth get the best present of all time this Christmas follow these
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Are you looking to improve your smile? Here at GDC Melbourne GlenHuntly, we are experts at porcelain veneer treatments. Veneers are a cosmetic treatment for front teeth that may be heavily filled, discoloured, damaged, dark, crowded or “gappy” teeth. A veneer is a thin porcelain covering used to improve the colour and shape of your
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Root canal therapy and pregnancy During pregnancy women undergoes a great deal of hormonal disturbance that serves as a factor leading to dental issues. Although, pregnancy itself does not result in any new dental issue but it can aggregate the dental problem, if it already exists. It can deteriorate the dental condition leading to root
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The main goal of the Root Canal Treatment (also called “endodontic” treatment) is to minimise further damage to the infected or decayed tooth as a means of preserving it, hence avoiding extraction and permanent tooth loss. Your own tooth is likely to be stronger and better for biting and chewing. It may be necessary to
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