Dental Buzz

wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth extractions

The removal of wisdom teeth, or third molars, is one of the most common procedures carried out in our Melbourne dental clinic. The wisdom teeth grow at the back of your gums and are the last teeth to come through. Most people have four wisdom teeth – one in each corner of the jaw. These teeth

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overdenture system

Overdenture System

If you are missing all of your teeth, there use to be only one option the restore your smile and chewing that was a complete denture. Now with Dental Implants our Caulfield Melbourne clients have several dental options Dental Implants placed and retained fixed (non removable) prosthesis Dental Implant Over-Denture, where implants are placed into

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Why you should keep your teeth clean

There are plenty of important reasons why you should always take great care in looking not only after your teeth, but your mouth in general. To start with, it marks the beginning of the digestive process, which is vital in keeping you nutritionally sustained – and alive! While many people may associate digestion with the

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